

/ Staff writer, with CNAThe legislature yesterday passed the government’s general budget proposal for fiscal year 2017, after cutting it to NT$1.97 trillion (US$62.3 billion).During the two-week extraordinary session, opposition lawmakers put forward about 500 proposals for budget cuts, but the number was reduced to 63 during cross-caucus negotiations that were chaired by Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全).Lawmakers settled on a budget of NT$1.97 trillion, cutting 1.2 percent from the government’s proposed NT$1.99 trillion.The proposed budget has a deficit of NT$132.9 billion and an estimated NT$74 billion for principal payments on government debt, all of which the government said would be covered through loans.At the end of the session, Su commended the party caucuses and legislative staff for their efforts to process major bills, such as amendments to the Long-term Care Services Act (長期照顧服務法) and the Electricity Act (電業法), as well as the budget bill.This was achieved though rational communication, efficiency and order among the caucuses, he said.Su’s performance over the session was praised by New Power Party (NPP) caucus convener Hsu Yung-ming (徐永明).“Swords were drawn over this legislative session and there were even some topics that were not appropriate to handle during a special session, but we support Su’s handling of matters,” Hsu said. “Dealing with the budget, the whole process was relatively smooth.”He expressed regret that his party’s calls for more rigorous pension bonus standards had not won approval, adding that the NPP would support the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) plans for military and economic development.Before the session ended, the legislature, with the DPP’s majority, rejected three budget cut proposals put forward by the KMT caucus, including a proposal to slash the Mainland Affairs Council’s (MAC) budget, which the KMT said was “not thoughtfully planned” and would not improve stagnant relations between Taiwan and China amid a cooling of cross-strait interactions.The KMT said that MAC Minister Katharine Chang (張小月) should be held responsible for the cooling of cross-strait ties since May 20 last year, when President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) took office.The MAC “has obviously misjudged the situation,” the KMT caucus said, adding that the council should outline response strategies within a month and deliver a report about its misjudgement to the legislature’s Internal Administration Committee within two months.However, the budget cut proposals and the request for the MAC to submit a report were voted down by DPP legislators.The DPP controls 68 of the 113 seats in the Legislative Yuan, while the KMT has 35. The NPP has five and the People First Party has three, while the Non-Partisan Solidarity Alliance and an independent have one seat each.KMT proposals to slash the budget for the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee and disband the committee were also rejected.The committee was established by the Cabinet in August last year based on the Statute on Handling the Inappropriate Assets of Political Parties and Their Affiliated Organizations (政黨及其附隨組織不當取得財產處理條例). The statute was enacted by the legislature in July last year.According to the regulations, some of the KMT’s property has been frozen pending investigations into party assets.The KMT caucus also proposed cutting the Ministry of Education’s budget, which weighed in during a controversy over a phrase used by Lai He (賴和), the father of Taiwan’s nativist literary movement, that has been cited by the Presidential Office in the spring couplets it plans to give away.The KMT said the ministry’s response amounted to education serving political goals.The next legislative session is to open after the Lunar New Year holiday ends on Feb. 1.Additional reporting by Abraham Gerber新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES


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世界排名第51的英國好手伊凡斯(Daniel Evans)是今年男子網壇最強勢的黑馬,澳網之前不只在雪梨男網賽擊敗世界第8的奧地利好手帝姆(Dominic Thiem),更在澳網爆出超大冷門,力退世界第7的席里奇(Marin Cilic)。有如此優異表現,他竟然沒有服裝贊助,比賽前還自己在澳洲當地的Uniqlo掃貨。


談起沒有贊助的原因,伊凡斯表示,可能是因為Nike已選擇了另1位英國選手艾德蒙(Kyle Edmund)的緣故,「他們可能沒意願一次贊助兩位英國選手吧;目前我還沒收到其他廠商提供贊助,也許再贏1場吧。」20日伊凡斯將在澳網對決地主好手,世界第27的托米奇(Bernard Tomic)。



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(中央社記者姜遠珍首爾18日專電)南韓歌壇消息人士今天透露,當紅女團TWICE正在專心製作新輯,並暫定於2月20日左右推出。TWICE去年推出第3張迷你專輯,而新輯則是在此基礎上收錄新曲後製作的特別專輯。 南韓聯合新聞通訊社指出,TWICE發布特別專輯之前,將於2月17日至19日在首爾舉行首次單獨演唱會,屆時TWICE是否在舞台上表演新歌備受關注。 南韓唱片行業相關人士表示,TWICE去年取得傲人成績,在短時間內發展成為了一線女團,因此今年的活動更加受人矚目。 據南韓權威音樂榜單Gaon的2016年底統計資料顯示,TWICE的第2張迷你專輯主打曲「CHEER UP」播放次數約達1億1156萬次,位居2016年度綜合排行榜榜首。 不僅如此,收錄「TT」的第3張迷你專輯銷量突破35萬張,創下2016年南韓女團最高銷量紀錄。 TWICE於去年底出道1年就在各種頒獎晚會榮獲大獎。同時TWICE出道曲「優雅地」、「CHEER UP」、「TT」3首歌的MV在視頻網站YouTube上的點擊量均突破1億次大關,其中「TT」創下南韓偶像團體最快突破1億的紀錄。1060118


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